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Can't change "Inline Mod" link color on FORUMDISPLAY

The area above the thread listing (<div id="above_threadlist_controls">) in the FORUMDISPLAY template contains the links for the forum control options (Forum Tools, Administrative, Search Forum, and Inline Mod). I had to manually change the link color to white in the template because they follow the style for link_color and it was unreadable with the background of the forum control options box. Problem is, I can't figure out how to change the color of Inline Mod. All the other links are marked with an <a href=" link where I can change those links, but I don't see anything to change the Inline Mod link. Am I missing something or is there a different way I can change that link color? Sorry if this is confusing. I'll rephrase if I need to. The image attached is what it looks like on my forum.

I was able to change all of those link colors by modifying ".postlist_popups a" on my test site.

I figured it out. The one you told me to change is for the post listing of a thread, I needed the one thread list page. Thanks anyway though.

For future reference for anyone else trying to do this, search for "#forumdisplaypopups a.popupctrl{" in forumdisplay.css and add a color code to the end.

I figured it out. The one you told me to change is for the post listing of a thread, I needed the one thread list page. Thanks anyway though.
Whoops! You are right. I had a page open in another browser, and it had Inline Mod in the corner, and I just looked up the class for that one instead of realizing it was on the wrong page. Sorry about that.

This is great. One of the things I have been looking for. Thanks.

Do you also know where to change the font color on the forumdisplay.php page for where the Subforums bar shows up in the image below:


I was able to change that just with the forumhead_color stylevar.

This only changes the Forum Display version, where is the Thread Display version of the same line?

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